Joseph Oquendo Saladino

Joseph Oquendo Saladino

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Personal WebsiteMy Personal Website - Take a look at my personal website where I have items you may be interested in.

Contact InformationPhone: 208-971-7570
Email Addresses:

Joe is the founder of the following ministries:

Healing for the Heart Ministries ("H4HM")Healing for the Heart Ministries ("H4HM") - Pastoral Counseling:
H4HM is a Christian ministry which is committed to bringing healing and freedom to wounded individuals by applying biblical principles which have been shown to be effective in the short-term and enduring for the long-term.

BRAM Publishing (Under Construction)BRAM Publishing (Under Construction) - A Publishing Ministry with a mission to publish works with "Words that Change Lives."

BRAM International (Under Construction)BRAM International (Under Construction) - Not-for-Profit Ministry Consulting.  BRAM International is a ministry with a mission to assisting other ministries become more effective at meeting their mission objectives.

Joe Saladino is recognized as an effective consultant, counselor, and speaker with respect to helping individuals and families find healing for their broken hearts and lives, growing effective ministries, and publishing "Words that Change Lives."

Contact Joe if you have any questions about these ministries or if you believe his ministries can serve you, someone you love, or an organization you care about.

Joe Saladino, Sr. Pastor/Counselor.

Copyright © 2020 Joseph Oquendo Saladino