
This site is a meeting place for Joe Saladino’s freinds and family who share his interests and activities.

In this website you will find links to things like Joe’s new book, links for resources used in his Bible Class, Marriage and Family Counseling, News and Articles that may be of interest to you and your family.  Feel free to send me your comments and questions. 

YOU’RE INVITED to discover a predictable path to peace, joy, and freedom.

In this book, you can discover a predictable path to dealing with any chaos, confustion and conflict you may be experiencing.  What is amazing is that the outcomes described in this book work and they are predictable.

If you are looking for a better way to deal with what troubles your heart, this book will get you there.

Paul’s Epistle
The Galatians

This page includes links to resources, videos, notes, etc. used in my Galatians Bible Class.

This page includes links to resources, videos, notes, etc. used in my Romans Bible Class.

Vaccine Information

This page includes info related to the legal issues surrounding vaccines and vaccine mandates.

Copyright © 2020 Joseph Oquendo Saladino